A Future of Possibilities, Building a Brighter Tomorrow

Building a Brighter Future for Every Student

We provide essential resources, education, healthcare, and empowerment opportunities to ensure a brighter future for children and young people. Join us in making an impact and fostering hope worldwide.

Shepherds of Hope

About Shepherds of Hope

Shepherds of Hope is an official 501 ( c ) (3) non-profit organization, which will support and sponsor children and young people in need, worldwide, here in Iowa-USA, where we live currently, and Uganda, Africa, where one of the founders, Joshua, was born and raised. This non-profit was born out of our love to help those in need. Joshua and Andrea Atuhairwe, husband and wife team and founders, have been helping children and young adults with the little they have, for nearly a decade, and, now, have started this organization to give an opportunity for others to meet the needs of children and young people, globally.

One of our main missions is to sponsor students to attend school in Uganda. It costs about 50 to 100 dollars each semester to do so. The new school year begins in February. There are three semesters in a school year, February to April, May to July, and August to the first week in December. 150 to 300 dollars sponsors a student to attend school for a full year!

Services we offer

Driving Positive Change, Leaving A Lasting Legacy

Shepherds of Hope provides support in sponsoring students to go to school. Together, we create lasting
bonds and bright futures for the vulnerable.



Education sponsorship is a transformative initiative that empowers students to attend school by covering their fees and providing essential supplies. By eliminating financial barriers, vulnerable students gain access to quality education and brighter futures. Sponsoring kids instills hope, breaks the cycle of poverty, and fosters lifelong learning. Together, we build a stronger, educated generation.

Advocacy & Awareness

Advocacy & Awareness

Shepherds of Hope is passionate about advocacy and raising awareness for the rights of young people. We strive to create a world where they are protected, empowered, and given equal opportunities. Through targeted campaigns, community outreach, and policy engagement, we aim to inspire positive change and foster a society that prioritizes positive well-beings and futures.

Emergency Relief & Rehabilitation

Emergency Relief & Rehabilitation

Shepherds of Hope is at the forefront of emergency relief and rehabilitation efforts. When disasters strike, we swiftly respond, providing immediate aid, shelter, and essential supplies to affected children and families. Our dedicated team facilitates long-term rehabilitation, rebuilding communities, restoring hope, and empowering those impacted to rebuild their lives and thrive once again.

Spread Joy With A Donation

Actions Speak Louder Than Words! Give Today

Your generous donation can make a difference today. By donating now, you directly support our vital programs and initiatives, bringing hope, education, and essential resources to those in need. Join us in making a positive impact. Donate now and change lives.

Shepherds of Hope

We support these two twins in Uganda.

One of the twins was in a boarding school while the other was in a day school. Because their parents couldn’t afford sending them both to a boarding school.
We decided to support the family by paying tuition for both of them to be the same school.
Their names are
Nyangoma Karen
Nyakato Renah

Get In Touch

Shepherds of Hope: Where Compassion Meets Action

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